Posts Tagged basal thermometer

TTC Update

It’s CD2 for me today and I started using my BBT thermometer this morning. The direction said to place the thermometer under tongue. I got 97.6 F. I took it twice and with the same result. For those of you who are using digital thermometer, do you use it under your tongue too? Same time every morning? I hope I used it right.

BBT Charting is a result of my “5 Things in 30 Days” where I had a serious talk with DP yesterday. Not all issues were tackled though. But in the TTC arena, at least I know he still wants to have a baby. We have an agreement to push through with IUI, maybe next year, after the holidays. Christmas season is such a stressful month in the office, so I think it’s a good choice. No Clomid and Pregnyl for me yet. I’d rather take these meds after we visit our doctor next year. I don’t want to self-medicate (too costly!). As I am writing this, my left hand is busy opening the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor.

Yup, this cycle, it’s TTC the natural way.

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Bad Blogger

Add me to the list of bad bloggers. I’ve neglected my site; I haven’t read all your posts. I apologize. I know I need to do some making up. Problem is, tomorrow, I’ll be leaving for another Union CBA seminar, 3 days, out-of-town. So after a month of assisting my sister, brother and mother for their much-needed vacation, still, I can’t go back to my usual blogging. And once I get back from the seminar, I have to attend to my job. Aargh! So many things to do with so little time!

Homefront, well, there’s still War of the Roses for me and my partner. I don’t think TTC will be in our list of  priorities right now. First off, his mother had undergone colon surgery and still recuperating in the hospital. Insurance has maxed out and expenses have ballooned to a little over half a million pesos. I would’ve wanted to visit our doctor this month for another round of artificial insemination but heck, I don’t think my partner would be supportive of the idea. I don’t think he will support me financially since his mother needs money for the hospital expenses and medicines. Although I have all the gadgets I need for natural conception (basal thermometer, fertility monitor, Pre-Seed etc), I’m not excited to use them. Since AF stopped, my partner and I have only been baby dancing twice. Sad huh?

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Going Gaga on Fertility Monitoring

Yup, I’m beginning to be just like everyone who’s trying to conceive. Going gaga over fertility monitoring. Actually, I’m still in its first phase. What have I done so far? I’ve researched on Ovulation Predictor Kits, Basal Thermometer and Pre-Seed Intimate Moisturizer.

The downside is, all are not available in my side of the world. Great. I thought of asking my older brother (who’s based in LA) to buy all these fertility stuff for me, since he and my mother will be coming home next month. But then again, I decided against it because he might be busy and all. Called my sister (who’s based in Montreal) instead and asked her to buy Pre-Seed for me. She said it might not be available in Montreal. I even e-mailed Pharmaprix and Shopper’s Drug Mart to ask on its availability. Bad news, they don’t carry Pre-Seed.

So what did I do? I went to Pre-Seed’s website, ordered it online and had it delivered to my brother’s address. Cost me $18.99 including shipping and I used my credit card. Huhuhu!!! On YM, my brother told me my package has just arrived. But the upside is, my brother told me to research if Pre-seed is available in Rite Aid. He said shipping is quite expensive, he could have bought it for me in store. Yehey!

Seeing that he was in the right mood to help me out, I had the nerve to ask him also to buy me the following: Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor, Clearblue Easy Fertility Test Sticks, Ovitrack Basal thermometer and another pack of Pre-seed. All are available in Rite Aid for a total of $220.76, sales tax not included! Whew! I didn’t tell my brother the total cost but I told him these could be quite expensive. I just explained to him the importance of these stuff to my TTC mission and thank God, he did understand. How generous of him indeed.

So there, next month, once I get these stuff, I will surely be more gaga over fertility monitoring. Will keep you posted on my second phase.

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